Group Status
The BozemanGLUG meets on a monthly basis. We typically meet on the first Thursday of the month. Meeting accouncements are posted to the front page via the Events Calendar. This seciton of the website is mostly here for historical reasons so don't go by the dates here for a sign of life. The BozemanGLUG is alive and meeting regularly... yes, in 2021.
Brief History
Ken Dyke founded the BozemanLUG in the Spring of 2001. While I attended several of the early meetings (first at Great Harvest at Main & 7th Ave and later a real estate place on Koch off of 19th), my memory about the forming of the group is quite sketchy. I believe it was an offshoot of the Unix Users Group.
Ken Dyke moved to Helena in mid 2005 and continued to coordinate meetings. In Sept. 2005, Scott Dowdle (formerly with the BillingsLUG) moved to the Bozeman area and took over coordination of the group.
On early Monday morning, October 29th, 2007 Ken Dyke passed away in a Helena hospital as a result of cancer. We miss you Ken!
Feb. 2019 - We added a G in front LUG for GNU.